As you can probably tell, I am a huge fan of Pinterest marketing (and Pinterest in general), and I believe wholeheartedly in the benefits it can have for both product based and service based businesses. BUT, I am not here to tell you that Pinterest is right for every single business, so if you’ve been wondering if Pinterest marketing is right for your business, this is the post for you!
Here’s the thing: in my opinion, there is no one marketing platform or marketing strategy that’s right for every single business, and I’m wary of people that tell you that you NEED to be on a certain platform. There’s a lot to take into consideration when you’re considering which marketing channels are best for your business, and that includes things like your specific offerings and audience, your budget, your interests, etc.
What is Pinterest marketing?
Before we dive in, let’s take a quick look at exactly what Pinterest marketing is. If you’re like a lot of business owners/entrepreneurs, you’ve likely heard repeatedly that you should be marketing your business on Pinterest, but you may not be sure why.
In a nutshell, Pinterest is a visual search engine (read: not a social media platform). It’s a place where users come to discover new ideas, find inspiration, and plan (ex. planning a trip, a home reno, meal prep ideas, a wedding, etc., etc.).
Why should I use Pinterest to marketing my business?
Its main benefits from a marketing perspective are generating brand awareness and driving website traffic. Someone searches for something, your Pin shows up in the search results, and they click through to your website to learn more. You can then optimize your content to convert your website traffic into customers/clients/etc.
As of 2020, Pinterest has really leaned into the ecommerce side of things, and they have added a ton of shopping features. This means you not only have a user base that’s searching for the products you sell, but you have a platform that’s making it easier than ever for users to click through and make a purchase from your site.
Is Pinterest marketing right for your business?
So now that we know a bit more about the what and why of Pinterest marketing, let’s take a closer look at if it’s right for your business. Here are a the key things to ask yourself before jumping on the site.
1. Is your audience on Pinterest?
Many people think of Pinterest as a platform for moms and women in their 30s-50s, and while this is a large portion of the platform, it has greatly expanded in recent years, and now you’ll find men and women of all ages on the platform. Topics like travel, home decor, wellness, weddings, fashion, and recipes are the most popular categories, but you’ll likely find just about any topic on the site.
If you’re not sure if your audience is on Pinterest, take a quick search for your category and see what pops up- you’ll likely be surprised at just how many topics are on Pinterest.
Want more? Grab my FREE Pinterest Marketing guide here!
2. Do you create consistent content?
This is a big one, and it’s the number one thing that causes me to tell potential clients that Pinterest may not be the best platform for them.
Pinterest thrives on fresh and consistent content, so you don’t want to be on the platform unless you can meet these content demands. Fresh and consistent content can look a lot of different ways: it can mean publishing weekly blog posts, podcast episodes, or YouTube videos, for example. If you’re a photographer, it can mean having a consistent supply of photos to share. For ecommerce brands, this can be a large library of product photos.
The content itself will vary greatly, but the important thing is to determine if you have new content on a consistent bases that you can share.
3. Is your business location independent?
This one is by no means an essential for Pinterest marketing to be successful for you, but it is helpful. If your business is location independent, you content is relevant to a much wider group on Pinterest.
For example, I have a service-based business and I work with clients around the world, so when I’m sharing my blog content, it can be relevant to people in any country.
If you have a location dependent business (for example, a brick and mortar store or a locally based service like photography or interior design), you can absolutely still use the platform, but your potential audience will be much smaller.
This can still be worthwhile, but it is something to take into consideration when you’re deciding if Pinterest will be worth your time. If you do choose to market a location dependent business on Pinterest, you’ll want tor really focus on using your location in your keywording, so you have a better chance of reaching locals in your area.
And that’s it! While it may not be right for everyone, Pinterest is an amazing platform for such a wide array of businesses, driving website traffic, increasing product sales, and building brand awareness.
I also have a series of blog posts on how to use Pinterest for specific industries, so check those out if any apply to your niche!
Pinterest Marketing for Photographers
Pinterest Marketing for Wedding Planners
Pinterest Marketing for Bloggers
Pinterest Marketing for Web Designers
Pinterest Marketing for Brand Designers
Ready to start growing your business with Pinterest? Head over to my services page to see how we can work together!

Is Pinterest Marketing Right for Your Business?