As entrepreneurs, it can be so easy for us to give our all to our business and leave little to know time for ourselves and the other aspects of our lives. But I’m a huge believer in the importance of carving out time for yourself during the day.
Particularly for those of ourselves in creative fields, staying healthy, happy, and balanced is so key for tapping into creative energy (when I’m drained, I have zero ability to be creative or focused!)
Entrepreneurs and business owners talk a lot about their morning routines, and we’re told over and over again that your morning routine can make or break the rest of the day.
Personally, I think that’s a lot of pressure to put on your morning routine, but I do agree that taking care of ourselves is huge for entrepreneurs (and everyone!).
In today’s post, I’m sharing my morning routine tips for creative entrepreneurs and sharing a look at how I start my day.
A few years ago, when I was super deep into the self-help/wellness lifestyle, I had a morning routine that took me, no joke, 2 hours a day. I’d wake up with a feeling of dread because I felt like I had so much “work” to do before I could even start my day.
My gratitude journaling/meditation/yoga/body brushing/smoothie making routine was supposed to make me happier and healthier, but it just weighed me down.
So, one day I decided to give it up, and just do whatever I wanted to in the morning- no rules, no “shoulds,” no over-complicated uninspiring two hour long routine.
Which brings me to tip number 1 …
Tip #1. Don’t listen to the “experts” – create a routine that works for you.
My biggest piece of advice is to create a morning routine that truly works for you, rather than something you’ve heard someone else does and feel like you should do.
Just because all your favourite influencers wake up at 5 to journal/go for a run/read from a self-help book, etc. doesn’t mean have to.
If you truly want to, then get it! But don’t feel like you have to just because you keep hearing that’s what everyone else does.
In theory, that sounds like a fabulous way to start my day, but in practice, I hated it.
Now I spend my mornings doing what I actually want to.
Tip #2: Your morning routine can change from day to day.
To say I have a morning routine is actually not accurate because no one morning looks the same to me. While I thrive when I have structure, I also NEED freedom and flexibility in my day and committing to a set routine feels like such a chore to me, even if I like the activities I am doing.
So, remember that you don’t actually need a routine if you don’t want to.
I know some people that thrive having a set structure to their day and do really well following a routine, so if that’s what works for you then go for it!
If you’re more like me and enjoy the flexibility, allow yourself to have a less structured morning.
Also, I know not everyone has the luxury of a self-care morning routine. If your mornings are busy getting kids ready/going to a day job/etc. and you don’t have time for a certain routine, that is totally okay.
For some, maybe getting up an hour before the kids is a great time to fit in a routine, and for others that hour is much better spent sleeping (you do you!).
Tip #3: Your morning routine doesn’t have to be “healthy”
Generally, when you hear about morning routines, they’re focused on aspects of wellness (exercising, meditating, journaling, lemon water, etc.), and if that’s how you want to start your day then that’s awesome.
BUT, a morning routine doesn’t have to be synonymous with typical wellness practices.
Maybe you love starting your day with a coffee and some time to read a chapter from your book or watch the latest episode of your favourite show. Maybe you like to go for a family walk, spend some quality time with your kids before the day begins, hanging out with your partner, or maybe you feel the most productive by doing your household chores/cleaning before you start work for the day, so you don’t need to do them in the evening.
I guess this point is really a reiteration of Tip #1. Do what works for YOU in the mornings.
So, how do my mornings look?
Like I said, it really depends on the day, and there isn’t a set of activities that make me feel better than others. Rather, doing what works for me that day is what makes me feel my best.
I typically wake up between 7 or 7:30, and I like to be working by no later than 9:30.
Some days, I’m in the mood to start work right away, so I pretty much just get up, get dressed, make some Dandy Blend (I switched from coffee to Dandy recently and I love it!), and I’m in my office by 8.
I love these days because I feel so productive, and by 10am, I’ve already accomplished so much.
On other days, I’m not ready to start working right away, so I’ll do any or all of the following.
- Go for a walk in the park near my place
- Clean/do laundry
- Exercise
- Meditate
- Hang out with my boyfriend
- Read
- Practice Spanish (I lived in Spain for a year and have been using Duo Lingo to brush up on my Spanish)
- Whatever else I’m in the mood for
A lot of these are activities I’ll do at some point throughout the day, so sometimes I like starting my workday knowing their done for the day, and sometimes I like getting straight to work and fitting them in later.
In my opinion, one of the best parts of the entrepreneur life is having (some) control over the structure of our days, so as entrepreneurs we can have more control over our morning routines.
My main piece of advice is to start your day the way you want, and in a way that suits you best. Whether that’s structure or flexibility, short routine or long routine, health-focused or not-health focused, it’s up to you!
How do you start your day? I’d love to hear! Leave me a comment below or share your routine (or lack of!) over on Instagram?
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My Morning Routine Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs