Enhance your brand’s aesthetic with these amazing stock photo sites for modern brands! Note: Some of the below links are affiliates, so i may receive a small commission.
Visuals are one of the most important aspects of both a Pinterest and brand strategy, and good images can make or break a Pinterest account.
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Both for my own business and my clients’ accounts, I spend a a lot of time looking for the right images to get us noticed on Pinterest, which means hours spent scrolling through stock photo sites.
Stock photos can tend to get a bad rep because the majority of them are … tacky to say the least.
BUT not all stock photo sites were created equal, and I’ve managed to find some really amazing options with gorgeous modern photos that I use every day in my business.
Keep reading for the best paid and FREE stock photo sites for modern brands.
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The Best Free Stock Photo Sites
The vast majority of the time, the images I use for both myself and my clients’ come from these free stock sites. While you do have to spend more time digging through the options, there are amazing photos to be found, all for free.
Kaboompics has the least options, but everything is super editorial, modern, and high-quality, so that’s a great place to start.
Canva (tons of great stock images in the free account, and more in the paid!)
The Best Paid Stock Photo Sites
When the visuals really matter, like for my website or client guides, I usually turn to paid stock sites. I’ll also become a member of rotating sites for a few months at a time when I need to refresh my photo library.
Note: many of these sites offer free images when you sign up for their email list
Haute Stock
Editorial Stock Images
Moyo Studio
Styled Stock Society
Elevae Visuals
Creative Market
Whether you’re looking for paid or free stock photos, there’s no reason you need to settle. With the number of high quality stock photo sites available these days, it’s easier than ever to find beautiful, on-brand photos for your business and Pinterest Pins.
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10 Best Stock Photo Sites for Modern Brands (Free + Paid)